Friday, January 01, 2010

Looking back,

I recently remembered I had this blog floating out in cyberspace. Through a sad turn of user-error powered events I "claimed it" as my own and integrated it into my current blogspot account. So please, enjoy reading my 10 post riddled with angst and grammar deficiencies. I found some of them funny. It's a look into my strange little 16 year old mind.

What I was actually trying to do was simply post a link to my current blog,

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Stop Denying the Truth!

Why is it that whenever we hear a sermon we think of all the ways that it doesn’t apply to us? I am specifically talking about the NO TRESSPASSING series. Many people, including me for awhile, think that guarding their heart isn’t something that they need to do to, the relationship they are in isn’t really wrong. It’s Ok for just them. Not dating is impossible, that they can handle themselves, and their lust.
Why would you want to find out if you can control yourself (and your lust)? By the time you find out it could be too late and you could taint your purity and ruin your and others life. Additionally I see many people my age chasing after superficial people and relationships.
Many Adults say that it is ok because it serves as fond memories and good times. But why, when you are married to your “true” love, want to look back on all the time you wasted on superficial and destructive relationships in your youth? How could those memories be looked upon as being fond cherished?
We always here that phrase “Live a Regret Free Life”. I would rather not have the pain of knowing that I gave my heart away to others then my wife. Same is true about stealing hearts. I don’t want to be responsible for stealing another man’s wife’s heart, as I wouldn’t want him to steal my wife’s heart.

Higgins mentioned this in the First series:
If miraculously you knew who that person’s future mate was going to be and you called them up and asked them if you could date their future wife, they would of course respond with a resounding “NO!!!” So it should be the same when we are dating , courting, and even when we are around the opposite sex.

The world promotes Lust.
Titus 2:12
Instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age,

Titus 2:16
But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness,

We are are told to be separate from the world. Then why are we still being conformed by it??? Is it Blatant disobedience, lack of instruction, or down right stupidity??? The world aggressively chases sex and immorality as we should be running from it. But yet we don’t run. We flirt with the line of where it “goes too far”. It is no secret that the church in America is being influenced and conforming to the world. We need to stop denying that fact and change it. Because it is normal for the world to be immoral we can go farther with our relationships and still be seen by the world as being pure.

Something else that really bothers me is how people (even christians) sell themselves on blogs, forums, myspace etc. I'm talking about how people pose in their fetured pictures. Mainly dressing indecently. I'm not sure exactly how to explain it but when looking at some pics you can tell that they want you to have a high opinion of them and to say it frankly, think they're hot. If their tactics work or not, It still comes down to purity. Dessing indecently purposly or not WILL Cause the opposite sex to stumble. We are COMMANDED to look after the purity of or brothers and sisters. So next time you go to post that pic showing a little too much skin, remember causeing others to stumble is sin. Is that sin worth sending christ to the cross or residing eternally in hell?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

In November I contacted a guy named Jim online about joining his paintball team. We chatted for awhile and he invited me to come to a team practice. So on a Sunday afternoon I went and practiced with his team. It ended up Jim’s team and another team was merging. I had played with some of the players on that team before. Well they took the holiday season off. I played with them on New Years Eve, and things looked good. They were planning on going to a regional tournament that could potentially get the team national recognition and a sponsorship. It looked like I was going to be able to go with them. Then two nights ago I got an e-mail from Jim telling me to call him. So I called him last night and he informed me that I was getting kicked from the team. He had no say in the decision, even though he is on the team. A core 5 players decided that I wouldn’t be able to afford to be on the team. Two of the other guys my age that play for the team also have their Dads on the team with them. Jim said that they kicked me because my parents aren’t as supportive as the other two younger guys. Also the team didn’t even really talk to me much to find out specifics about me...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

For my last book in my Literature Class I read The Death of Ivan Illych by the russian author: Leo Tolstoy. I found it interesting becasue it has an Ecclesiasticle theme. The novel is only 12 chapters long and it directly shows how life is vain. The main Character (Ivan) while dieing is thinking over his life and wondering if he had lived his life as he should have... He had lived a life that is fairly typical here in America. He spent his life striving for promotions, social status, and money.

One thing I think most christian tend to forget is that The American Dream isn't always God's Plan. I wouldn't mind geting a job somday in which I could Afford a ferrari and several summer houses,( and a paintball But is it God's plan? I think to become extremely rich (as I would like to be) Sacrifices have to be made. Your Job would be your LIFE. There wouldn't be any time for anything else. God. Family. Friends.
In The Death of Ivan Illych Tolstoy leaves the reader with one question unanswered:
What is the right way to live?

Though everyone professing to be a christian would have the sunday school answer ready, do we believe it? Do we REALLY believe that God is all we need? A poor christian will go to heaven just like a Rich one. At times I think that I forget that. I forget or deny that life is vain.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


WATCH OUT washington! I just passed my drivers test, and i have my license. I'm insured tomorrow! heheeheheheheheee

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I went dow nto the DMV this afternoon and took my written test. I passed it with a 87%. I missed 3. I take my drive on tuesday, so you can all be praying that I will pass it the first time.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I went to take my written drivers test today. I have only one comment....the workers at the DMV are the LAZYEST people on earth. I would not be exaggerating if I likend them to the biblical definition of a sluggard. Well needless to say they stopped testing at 4:30 and we showed up at 4:39. We let them know that we weren't where in the audio recording did it say they stopped testing at any time,(not to mention my dad acually Talked to one of the sluggards on the phone) As you can tell i'm full of abound love today....