Sunday, October 30, 2005

Well I've had a Xanga for over a year...but..uh...i like this one better

Alrighty then...what to talk about?
Higgins was talking about how he read on peoples blogs how they express their sesire for fulfillment in Drugs and Alcohol. The people posting this online( where the whole world can see it, including their parents) Must be complete imbeciles I mean... especially on a blog where there current(or former) Youth pastor can read it! I mean these people must have a complete lack of brains and forethought! And obviosly there are enough of them doing this to have Higgins mention them in three of his sermons!!! Or perhaps they post on their blogs when they are high(low, hung over, wasted, bombed etc.) and therefore don't remember they posted it?

EDIT: i'm not saying that hiding your sin is good... I'm just saying that these people are retards... lol


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